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All Recent Changes
- Main.HomePage . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+197)
- Main.HomePage/rss.png . . . uploaded by Mr Encyclopedia (4139 bytes)
- 404.GroupFooter . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (±0)
- Articles.Troubleshooting . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+4385)
- 404.EnterTheSpaceStation . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-10) - Category.Level7 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+74)
- 404.FleeFromTheManagerWhoBelivesYouToBeSomeSortOfPervert . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.HowIsItScience . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.RespondInAffirmative . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.WellFUUQYou . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.GetSomeCyberneticHands . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+23)
- 404.SellTheNerdsBodyTissuesForAnimeMoney . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+10)
- 404.ScrewMoneyJustStealAnime . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.SmackTheMonkey . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.SmackTheStripper . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.MakeSomeMoney . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.MmmMeathods . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.ReplaceItWithAPoundOfHamburger . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.PickAnApple . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.CastOGoobegone . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.StyrofoamCupOfSomethingThatLooksLikeTeaButIsntQuiteTouchIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.RustyArabianlookingLampTouchIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.GetAPositronicBrain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.LetHimInWhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.WalkDownTheStreetWhistling . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.AttemptToDepositAn18FootLizzard . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.WhatUpPoopdog . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.NobodyUnderstandsMeIHateYouImGoingToBecomeAGothAndWriteMoodyPoetryAndGetBodyPiercingsAndStuff . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.NowRun . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.FindOutToWhichVersionTheRevolverBelongs . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.FireYourNewWeaponIntoTheCultistErrors . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.PressStart . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.ButYouWantRevenge . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.SmashTheSculleryMaid . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.AskTheSculleryMaidAboutTheCompactedPuppyGarbage . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+11)
- 404.YouWalkAroundTheRugSoItWaresOutEnvenlyAlongTheEdeges . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.TurnAndFleeIntoTheSurroundingWoods . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.SqueezeThemHard . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.DoSomethingElse . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.DieHorribly . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-9) - 404.WhipOutAStraw . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.KillTheInformantAndHeadToTheTavernToAssembleYourParty . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+55)
- 404.AskSomeoneNearbyJustWTFupandIsAndIfArrivingThereHasAnythingToDoYouAttemptTotrieToSellASword . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.CallForTheInquisition . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: what (+37)
- 404.PissOnBob . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.SayItAgain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ExamineYourTrueFeelings . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.SeekOutSomethingToKill . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.RestEasy . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.PanicAndCrushYourselfIntoASingularity . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.RunScreamingOutOfTheShrine . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-1) - 404.KeepContemplating . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: I found this really amusing for some reason. (+34)
- 404.MixUpSomePoisonAndSlipItIntoAFewCocktails . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.PayTheMafiaBossAvisit . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+21)
- 404.BecomeParanoid . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.OfferTheBoardingToopsSomeTea . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.AskIfTheyWantSomeFish . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+26)
- 404.RunAwayFromYourResponsibilities . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+21)
- 404.WhatIsNethack . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+23)
- 404.BravelyGoToMeetTheLions . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.ChallengeTheTellerToABeatboxContest . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.AskTheBankTellerIfHeIsInFactJustinTimberlake . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.PretendYouAreSooperKid . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+40)
- 404.TakeOffYourSockInAThreateningManner . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.LIMBO . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.Hide . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-16) - 404.AttackTheMother . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.PutTheGlassInYourBackpack . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.DropTheGlassOnTheGround . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.SmashYourOwnHoleInTheWall . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ReadOneOfTheBooks . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.InsanePeopleCanDoAnythingReset . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.DeinterlaceIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.SitDownAndAdmireTheView . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.TryToEatTheTofuGod . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.OfferJohnnyWallbankToTheTofuGodAsASacrifice . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.HyperPokeTheTofuGod . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.MasterfullyRecreateTheMostImpressivePartsOfTheSistineChapelCeilingWithACrayon . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-1) - 404.EatTheirBrains . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.DoATestPostToSeeIfErrorIsWorking . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.CheckOutTheMessageBoard . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ChaseOneOfThemIntoTheTarPits . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+31)
- 404.StopPlayingAndJumpAroundWackingYourselfWithAFrozenMonkey . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.TellYourServantsToCleanUpTheMess . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.LootItsTinyCorpse . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.TakeTheGauntlets . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.TakeTheMonk . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.TakeTheScimitar . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.Dial0800SEXYMOMMA . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+42)
- 404.BecomeADoctor . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.GoSeeADoctor . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.DontSeeADoctor . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+26)
- 404.KeepUsingYourAnnoyingShield . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.UseYourEarthquakeGenerator . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+32)
- 404.UseYourBigPlasmaCannon . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.YouKickTheSoldiersButts . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+40)
- 404.CastOFishOnIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ClimbOutTheWindow . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.WalkOutTheDoor . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.ReadTheBook . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.EatTheRhino . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ScreamYIKES . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-23) - 404.ScreamCOOL . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+14)
- 404.ScreamBARF . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.SendYourCreditCardDetailsToTheCompanyThatMadeTheGame . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.ConsultTheManual . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.AttemptToStandUpPassingTheSwordThroughYourEntireBody . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.SayHoldOnIWasntReady . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.WanderAroundMeleIslandTMUntilYouRunIntoAPirate . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.GrabThatPirateCutlass . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-5) - 404.UseYourNewfoundSkillzToMakeDinner . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.GoNextDoorAndGetABurger . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.SayHello . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.HyperPoke . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.LookForZombiesToKill . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.LeaveTheAmmoAloneAndJustGetOutOfThere . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+32)
- 404.GrabSomeAmmoAndArmorAndStuff . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.InvestigateTheSmokeDetectorOnTheCeiling . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.YouHaveGotToGoToTheBathroom . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.GoEatAtAnExtremelyHighclassZombieRestaurant . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-1) - 404.EatACookie . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+31)
- 404.StartAFire . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.PanicInTerror . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.EatThePuppyBits . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.QuestionYourLocation . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.WhatTheHellJustHappenedHere . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.SummonAKnifeToCutTheRope . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.GetTheNeighborhoodKidsTogetherAndPutOnAShow . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.LookUpsex . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.AnswerAndFireAGunDownTheLine . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.UltimaKey . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.OfCourseNot . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.UmYes . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.VacateThePremises . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.AtMafiaHQ . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+32)
- 404.AtAlsSchoolOfStickingPointyThingsIntoThingsThatScreamAndBleed . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+32)
- 404.AtTheLocalChapterOfPETA . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.DanceInTheElevator . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.BecomeAGhost . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+14)
- 404.WaitInLineForever . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.HyperPokeYourWayToVictory . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.SummonHimAgain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.DisagreeWithJohnny . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-1) - 404.IgnoreTheMinorDiscomfortAndGoDancing . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+45)
- 404.GetStomachPumped . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.EatMoreGOLD . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.DipIntoYourMoneybag . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-2) - 404.YouBiteYourOwnEarOff . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.ScreamMummyIWantYou . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.UseTheDogToGetYouAGunAndRideIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.RemainPacifist . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.ActuallyGoToTheBathroom . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+15)
- 404.FindSomeErrorsToKillOrSomething . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+42)
- 404.GoStraightAhead . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.UseYourFortuneToLiveItUp . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-142) - 404.FindADentist . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.HighTailItAndRun . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: what (+39)
- 404.BluffYourWayOutOfIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.GoForTheJugular . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.FartAsBadAsYouCan . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Osama bin Laden died in 2011 (+40)
- 404.TackleTheBaby . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.ShootTheBabyWithAGun . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+32)
- 404.MakeScaryFacesAtTheBaby . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.IgnoreTheDoorAndContinueOnInTheMaze . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.OpenTheDoorAndWalkInCasually . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.LayWasteToMansCitesWithYourInconceivableMight . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.ContinueToObserveTheHaplessStudent . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: what (+35)
- 404.TakeTheRouteLessTravelled . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-1) - 404.FindAMatchAndSomeGasoline . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.WashTheEnormousAmountOfDriedBloodOffYourAdventuringClothes . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.ShedTheSUPERDARKLORDSkin . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.DestroyHisSpirit . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.DevourHisSoul . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.MurderHisBody . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.SwallowTheMasterSword . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.AttackTheMegarothWithTheMasterSword . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+45)
- 404.TakeItOutOnADate . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Maybe I should start marking things to be moved (+23)
- 404.BeatItOutOfHim . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.DontDoAnythingJustGoGetDrunk . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-1) - 404.DoAsTheThirdPartySuggested . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+25)
- 404.DecideThatYouHateTheImpartialThirdPartyAndTheIdeasHePutsForth . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.EatAnotherOrange . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.GoForAStroll . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (±0)
- 404.YouJumpIntoTheNearestTVAndYouAreInWhoFramedRogerRabbit . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+43)
- 404.ShoutIHaveBigBoobs . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: What are we doing here (+37)
- 404.JumpAndDownLikeAMONKEY . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.KILLTHEGARDS . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: I like the cut of this one's jib (+39)
- 404.StartAnAntiAOLBlog . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.ComeUpWithAGeneralTheoryOnSuddenBadWritingInError . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.EatTheEvidence . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.RunLikeAConstipatedWeinerdog . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.HangAroundHereMuchLonger . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.Respond . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.TakeALeft . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+42)
- 404.GoToTheWorldMap . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.GiveUpAfterNoGoodIdeasComeToMindAndGoPlayPlaystation . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.UseEthicalMeathodsToObtainMoreAnime . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.GoFindSomethingElseToDo . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+31)
- 404.UseUnethicalMethodsToObtainMoreAnime . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+20)
- 404.HeadbangToSlowDanceMusic . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.OfferYourSecretaryAspongBathwinkWink . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+44)
- 404.Watch24 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: 24 was a 2001 American action-drama television series on Fox (+36)
- 404.GiveHimAHyperpoke . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.UnlockItsMysticalSecrets . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.SellIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.ShootTheLeader . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.MafiaLackeys . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.TauntHimAndSayHaha . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.Hospital . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+18)
- 404.PokeTheShinyObject . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.PickUpTheShinyThing . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.TakeTheMoney . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.SeekRefugeInThatNearbyLabyrinth . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.WonderWhereYouTossedIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.CastOHostageSituation . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+29)
- 404.AttackMegarothWithYourSword . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+45)
- 404.GrabThatSwordWithTheDragonHeadHilt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+20)
- 404.GrabThatEnormousSlabThatLooksVaguelyLikeASword . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.FetchJohnnysBrainMedicine . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.HammerYourHeadWithAMallet . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.InduceVomiting . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.SummonAGiantCheeseMonsterOhYoullSeeItGetMoreComplicatedMuahahahahaha . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.GiveInAndStartEatingTofuAndBeingKindToAnimals . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.NowsYourChanceToStrike . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.FinallyHangUpThePhone . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.PressAsManyButtonsAsPossibleAndHopeYouDontDie . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: I remember writing this (+35)
- 404.PressASingleRandomButton . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Go to limbo (+37)
- 404.ScreamLikeALittleGirl . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: what (+33)
- 404.OpenCageDoorAndClimbUpTheChain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.BecomeGovernorOfCalifornia . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+16)
- 404.SearchForEvilAlienBeings . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: what (+37)
- 404.SacrificeAndysCorpseToTheHispanicGod . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Sneaking suspicion this is my 20 year old handiwork. What the heck. (+37)
- 404.CelebrateYourVictoryOverAndy . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Genuinely don't know what to do with any of this Andy stuff (+31)
- 404.AttackTheNerdWithYourSword . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+45)
- 404.ShootHimWithASniperRifle . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.ThrowAYoungBoyAtHim . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: "somewhat" problematic (+37)
- 404.ScreamAndGibber . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.CallTheDevil . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+42)
- 404.StartACoverBand . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.Cartwheels . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.Backflips . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.CastOFishOnThePawnshopGuy . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.SlideDownTheSpiralBannister . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+32)
- 404.LetYourNewfoundPowerGoToYourHead . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+28)
- 404.ReadDungeonMap . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.LogOnToEopointcom . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.SummonAnotherOrange . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.ArgueThatYouCantBeHeldResponsibleForThingsLikeThat . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+45)
- 404.UseNewTechSpankOnIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.RehibilationIsNotWhatYouWant . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+40)
- 404.GrumbleAndHitRespawnAgain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.GrumleAndHitQuickLoad . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.SeekRevenge . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+40)
- 404.GoShoppingForComfortableSlacks . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.DrawACuteLittlePuppyDog . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+29)
- 404.DrawBraaiiiiiiinssssBRAAAAIIIIINSSSS . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.SlapTheWaiter . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.OrderTheChicken . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.TryToRemoveTheStuff . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.Run . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.GiveTheAnimalOrMonsterOrSomethingAHug . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+29)
- 404.OfferJohnnyWallbankToTheCreatureAsASacrifice . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.HyperpokeWhateverItIs . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.BlinkTheTearsAway . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1)
- 404.TurnAround . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.CommentOnRecentDavidBowierelatedEvents . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: David bowie died almost 10 years ago (+38)
- 404.AskTheGoblinKingForAFavor . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.ContinueToNotRealizeThatTheyHaveAlreadyPlottedTheirRevenge . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+29)
- 404.AskAnImpartialThirdPartyWhatTheyWouldDo . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+45)
- 404.KillBillAndChevy . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.TrimHisHair . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.InvadeLibya . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.KillThatDefenslessOldMan . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.DanceAroundScreamingVoodooSpells . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.EatTheRemains . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.FindOutWhatundulatingMeans . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+31)
- 404.GiveItAStab . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.GiveTheSpireAHug . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+17)
- 404.GiveAndyAHug . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+8)
- 404.PickUpATableYourself . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.RentTheCellBarsAsunder . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+25)
- 404.PoundAgainstCellWallsAndScream . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.SmashThePuppyGarbage . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.DanceLikeADancingFool . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- Category.Level6 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+75)
- 404.BuyARabbitsFoot . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.BuyABaby . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.GoGetAZombieJob . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+20)
- 404.DoNothing . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+29)
- 404.NukeTheMountian . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.CallTheATeam . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.WellThatWasABitMeanSpirited . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.Something . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Something (+39)
- 404.CallTheManager . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ComplainMightilyAtTheIncrediblyLameEventThatJustHappenedInYourAdventure . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.BleedOutAndLive . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+16)
- 404.BleedOutAndDie . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+14)
- 404.HideInARackOfClothes . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.GrabAChocolateBarAtTheTillThePerfectGift . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.YellAtTheClerkThatStaresAtYouFunny . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.IfYoureAGirl . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.IfYoureAGuy . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ShakeUpAnInformant . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.HeadTowardsTheNearestUsedMapsStore . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.ShowThemAPeiceOfPaperAndTryToActImportant . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.BribeTheWarHippo . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+17)
- 404.Flee . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.CallMarcellusWallace . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+50)
- 404.HyperPokeTheCorpse . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.GetAJobAsALandlord . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.YouSearchTheParakeetAndFindSomething . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+40)
- 404.SearchTheParakeetTakingCareToNotFindAnything . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.CallTheDogForHelp . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.FindANicePatchOfSunToLieIn . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.AwakenHoursLaterCoveredInDriedBlood . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.ExamineTheKeychain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.VisitTheZoneOfLuggage . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.VisitTheZoneOfMatelessSocks . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.AttackIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+17)
- 404.KickIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.AskToSeeItsPotOfGold . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+26)
- 404.ScratchYourBack . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.GetMarried . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ActLikeAnIdiot . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: what (+33)
- 404.BleachYourHands . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+16)
- 404.WashYourHands . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ImLost . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.CheckYourInventory . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.DontLookBehindYou . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (±0)
- 404.SayIWantToBeASoldier . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ChewTheBarsOffTheWindows . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.GoOutTheDoor . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.ReadTheAffectsOfIndustrializationOnAgrarianEconomies . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.DestroyATennisRacquet . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.FloatBackIntoYourCell . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.BeCrushedByTheThousandsOfTonsOfWater . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+14)
- 404.TakeCareOfRonny . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.PullOutADentalDrill . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Not great (+40)
- 404.EatTheRuins . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.AttackTheOcelot . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+45)
- 404.SetStopThePainAsYourGoal . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.CrySomeMore . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+41)
- 404.SetWatchTVAsYourGoal . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.AndYouThoughtThatThe1TonTortoisesWhereNotThatFastEather . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.SummonJohnnyWallbankSoYouCanComplainToHim . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.SayONOMATOPOEIA . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.OutsmartTheLibrarian . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.TranscendTheNeedToFight . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.GoHome . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: No idea (+37)
- 404.SayIWishIWasATerrifyingNeighUnstoppableSUPERBEASTBWAHAHAHA . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+26)
- 404.SayTheresNoPlaceLikeHome . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.SayIWishIWasBig . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.JourneyBackward . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Jeez who wrote this? Probably me.
(-4) - 404.JourneyForward . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Interesting (+4)
- 404.Strike . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.MoreCloselyExamineYourTights . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: No idea what's going on here but I like the cut of its jib (+37)
- 404.EatTheKey . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.GoToTheBathroom . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.CopyTheKey . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.BURNTheHippies . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.RetireByTheEndOfTheMonth . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.MailYourRoomateButKeepTheKidneysToYourself . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.MailYourselfInTheBoxWithYourRoomie . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.UseTheMoneyToBuyYourOwnFood . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.BuyTheRabidScepterOfShiva . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.BuyTheTaintedMatchstickOfEvil . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.SuckMyThumbAndQuiver . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: No idea what's going on here (+40)
- 404.SellYourMother . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.ScratchYourHead . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.TryDesperatelyToCatchYourRunnyBrainsInYourHands . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.CommitHonorableSuicide . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.TellEverybodyThatYouWillGiveThemAPieceOfGoldIfTheyGetOutOfLine . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.WaitUntillTheEndOfLinearTime . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+31)
- 404.PushTheLastPersonInLineAndCreateADominoEffect . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+29)
- 404.DateATeenager . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ThrowAParty . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+17)
- 404.OrderTwoOfTheWaitersToFightToTheDeath . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.OrderASoda . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-9) - 404.OrderABurger . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.PokeTheBaby . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+5)
- 404.WonderIdllyWhyYoureBarney . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+41)
- 404.SavagelyBeatTheTeenagers . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+23)
- 404.SellJohnnyToThePawnshop . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.SellTheStuffToAPawnshop . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.WonderAloudWhatsSoSeriousAboutATankRampage . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.StealTheOfficersRemote . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.GetOnItLikeAHamSandwich . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.CloseYourEyesAndThinkAboutDracula . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+31)
- 404.CloseYourEyesAndThinkAboutBettyWhite . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.WriteALetterToYourMom . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.RunAroundInAPurpleThing . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.EscapeJail . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.SummonSummoneyMacSummonSummon . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.SummonJohnnyWallbankYetAgain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.RaiseYourPrivateArmyOfErrors . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.GenocideTime . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Put this on the list of most problematic entries (+35)
- 404.RespawnInRespawnPoint3 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.CeaseToExist . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.PullOutACrucifix . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.HugAndy . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.IgnoreAndy . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.SprayAndyWithRaspberryBodySpray . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.AttemptToSellYourRoommate . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.AttemptToBottleTheSmellOfYourSocksAndSellThat . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.AttempToSellTheContentsOfYourchickenBucket . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.GrabTheOddRevolver . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ComplainMightilyToNobodyInParticularAboutTheBlackRevolver . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.UseTheRocketLauncher . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.ExamineTheWhateveritwasOfCourse . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.TurnAroundAndHeadBackToTown . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.WakeUp . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.LookAroundInTerrorForDavidBowie . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+21)
- 404.RunUpAWall . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.ChangeYourMindAboutHelpingRonny . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+26)
- 404.ViciouslyTauntRonny . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+18)
- 404.ComeUpWithASpellThatInstantlyKillsTheCaster . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.WhipOutYourCellAndDialTank . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.TurnAroundAndFaceTheMafiaMen . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+29)
- 404.UrinateAllOverTheGreetingCards . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.BuyABoxOfSugarSnacks . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+17)
- 404.BuyACuteLittleTeddyBearDressedInAPoliceUniform . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.GiveAPeaceOffering . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.Detonate . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.HeadToAtlanticCity . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-72) - 404.GoOnAQuestToAquireTheMetalicCyberbowelsOfIndistructivenessSoYoullNeverHaveToVomitAnythingEverAgain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.TryToSellTheRegurgitatedErrorAtAShop . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+21)
- 404.StartANewFashionCraze . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.WonderWhyTheNarrationSuddenlyChangedTense . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.SingAlongWithTheKing . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.CrawlOnwards . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+32)
- 404.PressOnward . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+245)
- 404.AttemptToBuyAUsedVinylRecordFromTheBoothThatSellsUsedVinylRecords . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+45)
- 404.AttemptToBuyAWeaponFromTheBoothThatSellsSwords . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+26)
- 404.UseSpecialTechRunlikeamadman . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+972)
- 404.SellTheViolinToGeorgeWBush . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-3) - 404.AskSomebodyWhoThisBigBrotherIs . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+23)
- 404.PanicAndCastONukeify . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+9)
- 404.YesItIsTooMuch . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.KillHim . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: pretty succinct (+39)
- 404.ListenToCasper . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.RunAwayAndFindAnOrange . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.GougeYourEyesOut . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+31)
- 404.PreyOnTheFleshOfInnocentOcelots . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+17)
- 404.AwwwwItsACuteWiddleError . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+14)
- 404.WaitItsJustAnError . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+75)
- 404.AAAAUGHITSATERRIFYINGERROR . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.KillTheDentistAndEatHisBrains . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+38)
- 404.InvestigateThatUndulatingRedSpire . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.HyperpokeTheCandyCorn . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+31)
- 404.BURNTheCandyCorn . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+31)
- 404.EatTheCandyCorn . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+29)
- 404.BecomeALeatherJacketSalesman . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.GetAngry . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+505)
- 404.ImaBounty . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+23)
- 404.SellingTheseFineLeatherJackets2 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.SecondDonut . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.OrDont . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+31)
- 404.OvercomeTheDifficultiesAndGetACrayon . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.OrderTheCake . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.HandTheWaiterHisOwnEyes . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+32)
- 404.GiveHimTheDoubleDeuce . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ASmallBaby . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.YourBrains . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.TakeThemToPierreTheWorldFamousFencer . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ThrowThemOverTheFenceIntoYourNeighborsYard . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.GoUpTheStairs . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Note to self: Make this a How To Train Your Dragon joke (+70)
- 404.LaughAtItsSmallWings . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.SlapTheDragon . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Not great (+37)
- 404.CheckOutZoltar . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+3)
- 404.GoToTheHouseOfMirrors . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.GoToTheSpinningGForceRideOfDeath . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+20)
- 404.FindYourLostCarKeys . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+23)
- 404.GetOutOfLimbo . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.WanderAroundLimbo . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.StartAFireBrandishAKnifeAndHaveSomeGoatgyros . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.ComeToAStartlingRevelation . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.SeeAGoldenPathWithMyNewlyAwakenedInnerEye . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ApplyForBasketball . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+16)
- 404.GetAJobAsAFireTruck . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+41)
- 404.DieAHorribleBloodyAndPainfulDeath . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+25)
- 404.CastFLORADORAPOREDORS . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+20)
- 404.ScreamIncoherentlyAndWiggleAroundALot . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+39)
- 404.DestroyTheBuildingWithYourNearendlessMight . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-2) - 404.GoToTheBackDoor . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.GoToTheFrontDoor . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+45)
- 404.WhatDoesThatMeanWhatDoesAnyOfThisMean . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.RunAwayInFear . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.LookBehindYou . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.AddTheGoldToYourEvergrowingBankAccount . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.EatingGoldIsDirtyAndWrong . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.FeelAroundItAnyways . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.ForcefullyRemoveYourOwnArm . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.GoToWalmart . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.DestroyTheEarth . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.DestroyASquirrel . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+21)
- 404.SummonJohnnyWallbankToFightTheTofuGod . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.SneakOutIntoTheCeremonyAndDisruptIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.CastOFish . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+43)
- 404.ContinueToWatchTheMEPASoldiers . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+11)
- 404.WatchTheBirdySmileAtTheBirdy . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Playstation also still a thing 20 years later (+37)
- 404.SellYourSoulToTheHighestBidder . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: I like that eBay is still a thing 20 years later (+37)
- 404.EatASandwich . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.WatchAllTheSpongeBobYouCanHandle . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.StartAVigorousExerciseRoutine . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+32)
- 404.AquireAWhoopeeCushion . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+45)
- 404.DigYourWayOutWithASpoon . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.TryAndEscape . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.HangYourself . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.HeadOnDownToLittleRealmOfTheUndead . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.CastOUndarkify . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+41)
- 404.CastODarkifyOnTheLightswitch . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+50)
- 404.CastODarkify . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.Luminare . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+3)
- 404.OFish . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+2)
- 404.CastASpell . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Did you know the o in oFish is not actually the letter o (+75)
- 404.JustHangUp . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+19)
- 404.CallPeopleUpOnThePhoneAndTellThemYoureThePresident . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-1) - 404.StuffBrainsBackInEarsWithQtipstm . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: â„¢ (+38)
- 404.YellFIRE . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+41)
- 404.ContinueToBurnStuffUp . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.GetSomeSausages . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.Cry . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.StealHisAnime . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+21)
- 404.SmackHimAroundSomeMore . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.WatchSomeAnime . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.IDontNeedThisPuppyGarbageMoreSmashing . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.CountThePieces . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.InvestigateThePuppyCarcass . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.WonderWhyASandwichWouldHaveGold . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+32)
- 404.GoAfterCountryPopStars . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.AnnihilateChina . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-1) - 404.ForgetThoseTwoAndFocusOnUsheringInANewAgeOfOppressionAndTyranny . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+28)
- 404.HaveBillGatesAndCheveyChaseExecuted . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-2) - 404.LaughAtBillGatesAndChevyChase . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+15)
- 404.StayDownThere . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.TakeTheElevatorBackUp . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Gonna be a lot of Level 5 pages that need options added (+15)
- 404.EatTheCoin . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+569)
- 404.ExamineTheRubberCoin . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+244)
- 404.SearchItsBody . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+93)
- 404.RoastItOverAnOpenFire . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+872)
- 404.EatItRaw . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+561)
- 404.SearchItsRemains . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+20)
- 404.HyperPokeIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+256)
- 404.Fight . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+284)
- 404.HitItAgain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+524)
- 404.IgnoreTheAlien . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1491)
- 404.SayTakeMeToYourLeader . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1599)
- 404.AttackTheAlien . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+25)
- 404.IgnoreJohnny . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1042)
- 404.GoToTheCarnival . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-5) - 404.Hmm . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1)
- 404.SeekAnswersWithin . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+19)
- 404.TelefragTheError . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-37) - 404.FindSomeMoreErrorsToKill . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (±0)
- 404.LearnANewSuperMoveRightBeforeTheHugeErrorKillsYou? . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-2) - 404.FetchezLeVache . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+17)
- 404.404 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- Articles.Test . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-1) - 404.SummonJohnnyWallbank2 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-11) - 404.GetAPetMonkey . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+12)
- Category.Orphan . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+298)
- 404.NowBecomeThePresidentOfTheUSOfA . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-5) - 404.Nothing . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-9) - 404.SummonJohnnyWallbankAndGetHimToUseIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+46)
- 404.RunAwayAndFindAPowerfulRelicOfDarkness . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+12)
- 404.ThrowACrazyParty . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+220)
- 404.DoTheAmericanPieThingToThePie . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1900)
- 404.ObeyTheAngel . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1)
- 404.ShrugInAnApatheticKindOfWay . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+2)
- 404.AttendAGoldEatersAnonymousMeeting . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+19)
- 404.StopEatingGoldYouFreak . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+23)
- 404.PayTheDoctorWithTheBagFullOfPumpedChewedUpGold . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.AttemptToEatGod . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+14)
- 404.DivestYourselfOfAllWorldlyPossessions . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1050)
- 404.FigureOutWhatThisThingOnTheEndOfYourArmIs . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1616)
- 404.LookAtYourHandsInAmazement . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1175)
- 404.InhaleTheGasses . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1199)
- Category.Level4 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+16)
- 404.StealEverythingInTheHouse . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+32)
- 404.BurnTheHouseDown . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.StealTheHouseItself . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+16)
- 404.GetSquished . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+31)
- 404.GetDrained . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+14)
- 404.NeutrallyObserveYourVictory . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.MournYourVictory . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-197) - 404.RollDoubles . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+25)
- 404.SingTheBarneySong . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.SearchTheBunker . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+23)
- 404.FleeTheBunker . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (±0)
- 404.ResignYourselfToYourFate . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.ScreamAndFlailYourArms . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+20)
- 404.StabItWithMyBowieKnife . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.ExamineTheCorpseFurther . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.SellTheBottleInSomeKindOfOnlineAuction . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+17)
- 404.ShatterTheBottle . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.StealThatTank . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+4)
- 404.SummonJohhnyWallbank2? . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+3)
- 404.SummonJohnnyWallbankAgain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+17)
- 404.404/error.png . . . uploaded by Mr Encyclopedia (154767 bytes)
- 404.DestroyACar . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-73) - 404.HugJohnny . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (±0)
- 404.PlayInAWagon . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+221)
- 404.DistroyACar? . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+20)
- 404.ConquerEarth . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.SayOkayIllHelpYou . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+4)
- 404.SayIllNeverJoinYou . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+17)
- 404.ScreamReallyLoudlyAndRockBackAndForthLikeYoureHavingASeizure . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+17)
- 404.MentionYoureInterestedInTheRevolution . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.ChooseTheDesertEagle . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+23)
- 404.BuyAGun . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Mass shootings aren't as funny as they used to be. (+7)
- 404.SmokeAPoop . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Changelog: Made poop more epic (+4263)
- 404.ChooseTheBeretta . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+34)
- 404.BuyAGunAndGoOnAKillingSpree? . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-1) - 404.GrabATableAndChairAndStartABonfire . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+33)
- 404.GoOnABlindDate . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+18)
- 404.InvokeADarkPower . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+16)
- 404.FightHarold . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.HandOverTheCrayon . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+44)
- 404.BeatUpThatNerd . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+4)
- 404.BecomeATierOneOperator . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+36)
- 404.AttackAndDethroneGod . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- Category.Level5 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-4) - Category.WIP . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+82)
- Category.Unconfirmed . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+83)
- 404.QuicklyTakeSomeSyrupOfIpecac . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+4)
- 404.PlayForYourselfASadSongOfSympathyOnTheWorldsTiniestViolin . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-54) - 404.SueAOL . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.GoAheadAndJumpOutThatWindow . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+35)
- 404.GoToLimbo . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+18)
- 404.GoBeyondTheStairs . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+18)
- 404.GoDownTheStairs . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+18)
- 404.TakeSomeFencingLessons . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (±0)
- 404.GrabATableAndChairAndRUNAWAY . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+5)
- 404.GrabATableAndChairAndWaitToBeServed . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+16)
- 404.NoReallyBreakTheBowlingBall . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.BreakAQuiteUnbreakableBowlingBall . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.ConsumeTheEntireBowlingBall . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+5)
- 404.SellingtheseFineLeatherJackets . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+27)
- 404.InterestedInBecomingABountyHunter . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+14)
- 404.RemainIgnorant . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+26)
- 404.FindOutWhatItIs . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+18)
- 404.TryToFindAMirror . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+18)
- 404.ImplodeIntoLessThanNothingWhileDefyingAllLawsOfPhysics . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+25)
- 404.JumpOnARockAndScream . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.BlowTheirHeadUp . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1)
- 404.BlowTheStationUp . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+26)
- 404.BlinkStupidly? . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.BehindTheBack . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-184) - 404.BeginToCluckAndPeckAtTheGround . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+4)
- 404.BecomeThePiesFriend . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+21)
- 404.BecomeAVegetarian . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.BecomeAHitman . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: What child wrote these (+26)
- 404.GetABj . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: OH COME ON (+23)
- 404.BecomeAGhostOfAGhost . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.BecomeAGhostAndGoOnAStrangeMagicalAdventure . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+24)
- 404.MakeSecretServiceMenDance . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: This "plot twist" needs a punch up (+29)
- 404.BashThatSmallPuppy . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (±0)
- 404.GetElectedPresidentOfTheUnitedStates . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+18)
- 404.BashThatBoyBandSinger . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+12)
- 404.BashThatSandwich . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+12)
- 404.NoWaitZeroImSERIOUS . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: W H A T (+21)
- 404.BecomeADogCatherSoYouCanEatThem . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: This one really puts the Needs in Needs Rewrite (+143)
- 404.BeQuickAndSneaky . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Everywhere I look I see his face (±0)
- 404.BeCreepedOut . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-5) - 404.BakeACake . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+31)
- 404.BailOut . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+16)
- 404.RabamamhaMattaUtterACatchphrase . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+26)
- 404.JustinTimberlakeCD . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-9) - 404.GoBackToTheShadow . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+21)
- 404.EconomicsTextbook . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-130) - 404.BeanieBaby . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+193)
- 404.AttemptToStopHim . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- Category.NeedsRewrite . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+25)
- Category.Level8 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+582)
- Category.Level3 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+292)
- Category.Level2 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+127)
- Category.Level1 . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+108)
- Category.Category . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+185)
- Category.ChoiceNexus . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1170)
- 404.GroupHeader . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Try again (+8)
- Category.GroupFooter . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-2) - Category.Options . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+158)
- 404.AttemptToObtainAMachineBody . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-2) - 404.AttemptToNegotiateWithGorgotron . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Removed homophobia (+20)
- Random.Object . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+114)
- Articles.Inventory . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Add additional randomness (+32)
- Random.Bad . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: A test
(-56) - Random.Random . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: I have learned a lot about tables since I first made this page (+282)
- Random.Good . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+49)
- 404.AttemptToEscape . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+10)
- 404.AttemptToDieAndRespawnSomewhereElse . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.AttemptToActUponThisThoughtRegardlessOfItsPrecivedDifficulty . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-58) - 404.AttackThePepperonisWithYourSword . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+16)
- 404.AttackTheLeprechaun . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-10) - 404.AttackTheDjinnWithAllYourSpells . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.AttackTheCyborgDoctor . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+2)
- 404.AttackThatError . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+9)
- 404.AttackHimWithYourSword . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-85) - 404.AttackEmperorBeat . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+2)
- 404.Attack . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+6)
- 404.AskWhatAGambesonIs . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+37)
- 404.AskToBeReincarnatedAsACoconutCremePie . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-3) - 404.AskToBeMadeIntoTheOne . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+30)
- 404.AskToBeAHumanAgain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.AskThemForDonuts . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.AskLukeWhatHadHappend . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+12)
- 404.AskJohnnyWallbankIfHeCanHelp . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-8) - 404.AskHimToKillTheTinyThing . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-9) - 404.AskHimToDoSomethingUNSPEAKABLE . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+7)
- 404.AskHimAboutHisEvilPlans . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+26)
- 404.AskForARandomObject . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-8) - 404.AskForALLOfTheAnimeInTheEntireUniverse . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-8) - 404.AskForABowlOfSoup . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-2) - 404.AskForABillionWishes . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-10) - 404.AroundTheWorld . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+6)
- 404.ApplyForATransfer . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-8) - 404.Apples . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+10)
- 404.Apologize . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-10) - 404.AnswerNo . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-20) - 404.AnswerItAgain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-9) - 404.AnswerIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+10)
- 404.ADarkAndStormyNight . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+7)
- 404.AllowYourselfToBeMessilyDevoured . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+4)
- 404.AgreeToHisTerms . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+23)
- Category.Ending . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+120)
- 404.AcceptHisOffer . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-8) - 404.Absolutely . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+11)
- 404.1984ByGeorgeOrwell . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+7)
- Site.TermsOfService . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Terms of Service (+600)
- Site.PrivacyPolicy . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Compliance (+1071)
- Articles.TechFads . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: More tech, more fads (+664)
- Articles.PettyJustification . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: title tweak
(-4) - Site.AllRecentChanges . . . by ?:
(-150) - Articles.DevilsList . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+848)
- Articles.GoodWords . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: stretch it out (+1876)
- Articles.RetroChristmas . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+121)
- Articles.LadyC3PO . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: A story (+6928)
- Articles.Feedback . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: revert spam (+1445)
- Site.EditQuickReference . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-101) - Articles.Writing . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Needs expanding (+2153)
- 404.ThrowYourselfOffTheCliff . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+6)
- 404.DistroyATennisRacquet? . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+3)
- 404.SwellsUpIntoATinyMidget . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+290)
- 404.PickUpADodgeRam3500PickupTruck . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (±0)
- 404.SayIHaveAMIGHTYNEEDToUseTheRestroom . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-5) - 404.BecomeABountyHunter . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+14)
- DimestoreNovel.NatashaWinter . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+643)
- Site.SideBar . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-18) - Main.QuickFacts . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Exploring possibilities (+232)
- DimestoreNovel.NatashaWinter/nat.jpg . . . uploaded by Mr Encyclopedia (49352 bytes)
- DimestoreNovel.JohnnyWallbank . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+2795)
- Main.FUUQ . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+103)
- Articles.Story . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-18) - Articles.TootsieRollPops . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+2867)
- Articles.Art . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+3720)
- Articles.TheThirdMillennium . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+3976)
- 404.ExamineTheGold . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+41)
- 404.SnarfIt . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+21)
- Site.PageActions . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-8) - Site.EditForm . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Give it some space (+1)
- Site.Site . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Added links to useful pages for Error (+637)
- 404.GoForARide . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-2) - Test.Test? . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Testing procedures (+115)
- 404.SummonTrogdorTheBurninator . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+51)
- 404.Wuh . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.Huh . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.RunAway . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+848)
- 404.EatAFish . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.DropTheBucket . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1559)
- 404.Dance . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1307)
- 404.Doodle . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+1184)
- 404.TakeAnotherBite . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.BreakASmallerMoreExpensiveVase . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.RunAroundAndBreakThingsWithAPurpleVase . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.TakeYourDateToTheFinalDungeon . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.TakeYourDateToTheSatanicChurch . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.TakeYourDateToTheRitzy-o-rama . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.LetHimHitYou . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.AttackHimAgain . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.AttackWithYourSword . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.DestroyJohnny . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.GetSliced . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.LookForSomePants . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.PickThePurpleRock . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.SummonJohnnyWallbank . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+13)
- 404.JoinTheNewestCult . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.StartMyOwnDot-comEnterprise . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.BreatheTheHeadyAirOfVictory . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+22)
- 404.NewPageTemplate . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+21)
- Articles.BookOfPointless . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: The Book of Pointless (+24801)
- Random.BoP . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Book of Pointless formatted for random quote use. (+42735)
- Random.Fortune . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Random fortune cookies (+8713)
- 404.Shtml . . . by Mr Encyclopedia:
(-110) - Articles.Tipping . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: ruined my own joke (+19)
- Articles.Pataphor . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: as posted 4/11/2011 (+2585)
- Articles.MailHarry . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: as posted on 12/20/2011 (+324)
- Articles.Toothpaste . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: Originally posted 11/16/2012 (+6897)
- Articles.Location . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: formatting adjustments (+85)
- Articles.Economics . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: As originally posted on Feb 4, 2012 (+8500)
- Articles.Location/NewZealand.png . . . uploaded by Mr Encyclopedia (41220 bytes)
- Articles.Location/OuterSpace.png . . . uploaded by Mr Encyclopedia (282751 bytes)
- Articles.Location/Georgia.png . . . uploaded by Mr Encyclopedia (138298 bytes)
- Articles.Location/Oklahoma.png . . . uploaded by Mr Encyclopedia (163890 bytes)
- Articles.Location/PointNemo.png . . . uploaded by Mr Encyclopedia (17061 bytes)
- Articles.Articles . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+12)
- PmWiki.Audiences . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: I am not reluctant!!
(-3280) - Profiles.MrEncyclopedia . . . by Mr Encyclopedia: (+15)