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Works In Progress
Obviously, on a Wiki nothing is ever truly done. It's always possible to return to an article and make a change for any reason. Maybe a once funny joke has aged poorly. Maybe it was never funny in the first place. Maybe it was written by a random internet child 20 years ago. For as much as this site is the repository for decades of internet nonsense, none of it is beyond reproach.
That said, pages tagged WIP should be considered intentionally left undone. It is a beacon requesting that someone, anyone, return to finish the job that was started. For the most part, this means giving a final pass and consideration to 404 pages. Usually this involves figuring out what depth the page is at and tagging it appropriately. It could also mean adding additional options to a page, fleshing out an ending, or changing a reference to respawning.
It's also a bookmark left by an author that intends to return to and complete a page. Do not judge such a page as harshly as you otherwise might. It's in progress, after all. Of course, maybe this work has been abandoned for a long time. In that case, there's probably no harm in building on the foundations laid by another. A wiki is inherently collaborative after all.
- 404 /
- 1984ByGeorgeOrwell
- Absolutely
- AcceptHisOffer
- ActLikeAnIdiot
- ActuallyGoToTheBathroom
- ADarkAndStormyNight
- AddTheGoldToYourEvergrowingBankAccount
- AgreeToHisTerms
- AllowYourselfToBeMessilyDevoured
- AndYouThoughtThatThe1TonTortoisesWhereNotThatFastEather
- AnnihilateChina
- AnswerAndFireAGunDownTheLine
- AnswerIt
- AnswerItAgain
- AnswerNo
- Apologize
- Apples
- ApplyForATransfer
- ApplyForBasketball
- AquireAWhoopeeCushion
- ArgueThatYouCantBeHeldResponsibleForThingsLikeThat
- AroundTheWorld
- AskAnImpartialThirdPartyWhatTheyWouldDo
- AskForABillionWishes
- AskForABowlOfSoup
- AskForALLOfTheAnimeInTheEntireUniverse
- AskForARandomObject
- AskHimAboutHisEvilPlans
- AskHimToDoSomethingUNSPEAKABLE
- AskHimToKillTheTinyThing
- AskIfTheyWantSomeFish
- AskJohnnyWallbankIfHeCanHelp
- AskLukeWhatHadHappend
- AskSomebodyWhoThisBigBrotherIs
- AskSomeoneNearbyJustWTFupandIsAndIfArrivingThereHasAnythingToDoYouAttemptTotrieToSellASword
- AskTheBankTellerIfHeIsInFactJustinTimberlake
- AskTheGoblinKingForAFavor
- AskThemForDonuts
- AskTheSculleryMaidAboutTheCompactedPuppyGarbage
- AskToBeAHumanAgain
- AskToBeMadeIntoTheOne
- AskToBeReincarnatedAsACoconutCremePie
- AskToSeeItsPotOfGold
- AskWhatAGambesonIs
- ASmallBaby
- AtAlsSchoolOfStickingPointyThingsIntoThingsThatScreamAndBleed
- AtMafiaHQ
- Attack
- AttackEmperorBeat
- AttackHimAgain
- AttackHimWithYourSword
- AttackIt
- AttackMegarothWithYourSword
- AttackThatError
- AttackTheCyborgDoctor
- AttackTheDjinnWithAllYourSpells
- AttackTheLeprechaun
- AttackTheMegarothWithTheMasterSword
- AttackTheMother
- AttackTheNerdWithYourSword
- AttackTheOcelot
- AttackThePepperonisWithYourSword
- AttempToSellTheContentsOfYourchickenBucket
- AttemptToActUponThisThoughtRegardlessOfItsPrecivedDifficulty
- AttemptToBottleTheSmellOfYourSocksAndSellThat
- AttemptToBuyAUsedVinylRecordFromTheBoothThatSellsUsedVinylRecords
- AttemptToBuyAWeaponFromTheBoothThatSellsSwords
- AttemptToDepositAn18FootLizzard
- AttemptToDieAndRespawnSomewhereElse
- AttemptToEatGod
- AttemptToEscape
- AttendAGoldEatersAnonymousMeeting
- BecomeABountyHunter
- BreakAQuiteUnbreakableBowlingBall
- BreakASmallerMoreExpensiveVase
- BreatheTheHeadyAirOfVictory
- BuyAGunAndGoOnAKillingSpree
- Dance
- DestroyASquirrel
- DipIntoYourMoneybag
- DistroyACar
- DistroyATennisRacquet
- Doodle
- DropTheBucket
- EatItRaw
- ExamineTheGold
- FindSomeMoreErrorsToKill
- FleeTheBunker
- GetAngry
- GetDrained
- GetElectedPresidentOfTheUnitedStates
- GetStomachPumped
- GoForARide
- GoForAStroll
- GoToLimbo
- GoToTheFrontDoor
- Hmm
- Huh
- IgnoreTheMinorDiscomfortAndGoDancing
- JoinTheNewestCult
- NewPageTemplate
- PickThePurpleRock
- PressOnward
- ReadTheAffectsOfIndustrializationOnAgrarianEconomies
- RoastItOverAnOpenFire
- RollDoubles
- RunAway
- RunAwayFromYourResponsibilities
- SearchItsBody
- SearchItsRemains
- StartMyOwnDot-comEnterprise
- StopEatingGoldYouFreak
- SummonJohhnyWallbank2
- SwellsUpIntoATinyMidget
- TakeAnotherBite
- TakeYourDateToTheFinalDungeon
- TakeYourDateToTheRitzy-o-rama
- TakeYourDateToTheSatanicChurch
- ThrowYourselfOffTheCliff
- TurnAroundAndFaceTheMafiaMen
- Wuh
- Articles /
- Writing
- Category? /
- NeedsRewrite
- DimestoreNovel? /
- JohnnyWallbank
- Site /
- Site