Draw a cute little puppy dog.

You draw a cute little puppy dog. Isn't it adorable? It's so cute that you want to draw more puppy dogs. You fill the entire sheet with the little adorable beasts. Puppies, puppies, puppies! All is well in the world when you can spend such glorious time drawing puppies!

Sadly, your bliss is short lived. As you draw your 27th puppy dog, teams of professional Zombie killers burst into the art supplies store and begin shooting you. You lurch towards them, trying desperately to reach them with the love and happiness the puppies fill you with, but it's all in vain. Your zombie body falls to the ground. Dead. Again.

You respawn in an elevator that appears to be stuck between floors 23 and 24. It looks like you could be here for awhile.

Level 6 WIP Options Needs Rewrite