Grab that sword with the dragon head hilt.

You grab a long straight sword with a dragon-head hilt. It seems to be charged with electricity.

"Ah, the mighty Alastor!" says Al. "Are you going for the Dante look?"

"Sure, whatever" you say.

"An excellent choice indeed" says Al. "But I must warn you that there is a condition to using the Alastor."

"And that is?"

"The sword will attempt to take your life in the most painful and messy way possible. Only if you survive its terrible initial attack, will the sword accept you as its master."

Suddenly the mighty sword jerks itself free of your grasp and spins into the air. Then it comes back down to you, only into your chest instead of your hands. Blood spurts from your stab wound, and you feel the massive blade come out through your back. Needless to say, the pain that this causes you is quite excruciating.

"Yeah," says Al. "Like that."

Level 6 WIP Options Needs Rewrite