Attempt to obtain a Machine Body

You wait until nightfall, when you're sure that the police have left the area. Then you use the wireless modem that every positronic brain is equipped with and command the robots at a nearby robotics lab to dig you out of the rubble, and take you to a car factory. There, you take over the computer system, and command the factory robots to work until dawn, building you an ultimate robot body.

Finally, the task is completed. By hacking into the security camera system, you gaze in awe at the super machine that will be your new body. It looks kinda like a giant mecha, only with cutting saws in its hands and flame-throwers and all types of implements of destruction. You command your mindless factory drones to install you into your perfect creation, a task they do with as much gusto as a mindless machine can muster. With every connection they make, you can feel your control over your new, perfect body increasing. Finally, you awaken in full, a perfect, cold logical robot mind, inside a perfect cold robot body. The only question that remains is "What should you do with your new incredible destructive ability?

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