Prey on the Flesh of Innocent Ocelots

You've got just the thing. You reach into your pocket and remove a small vial containing a glowing green liquid. You quaff it quickly, but are disappointed by no change. You shrug and decide to watch a football game. About halfway through the second half, you feel your body change. Your muscles grow larger, and your senses sharpen. You grow a thick layer of dark brown fur over your whole body. You streak off to the forest in search of your new prey: Ocelots.

You find one, causally sitting on a log. It doesn't seem to notice you. You growl in satisfaction, and leap to attack. But, right before you reach it, it spins around and sinks its teeth into your arm. You growl in pain, striking back with your palm. you bash it across the face, but the ocelot spins and lands on its feet. It instantly leaps to the attack, clawing into your hide. You spin, tossing it off your back.

Okay, that's it, you think. No more mister nice predator. You jab your finger into the ocelot's back for a mighty HyperPoke, but nothing happens! The potion you drank must be interfering with your skills!

The Ocelot bares its teeth menacingly at you as it prepares for a mighty leap.

You never realized Ocelots were so tough. You turn tail and run, but cannot possibly outrun it. It leaps onto your back, and the last thing you feel is its teeth digging into your neck.



Level5 Ending