Choice Nexus

404 is a nonlinear and dreamlike narrative. While it has endings, these endings should be situated as far away from the start as possible. If we followed a strict hierarchy, we'd end up with a massively wide story with a few deep branches here and there. That is not what I want. I want the hierarchy to fold in on itself, so that to the maximum extent possible readers end up traveling through many different parallel branches before finding a conclusion. Every (mapped) page has a Level tag, corresponding to how many steps away from the start it is. High level pages should have links to lower level pages to the maximum extent possible, preferably ones on different branches.

Anyway, all that brings us to the topic at hand: The Choice Nexus. Shallow pages that present a situation that does not reference a previous page should be identified as a Choice Nexus, and deep pages that require additional options should link back to a Choice Nexus to the maximum extent possible. The more Choice Nexuses that are identified and utilized, the more 404 can be made to endlessly loop on itself and provide readers with a long and satisfying story.