Go for a Ride

You climb into the back seat of the car, next to the mafia type that summoned you. The mafia type casually takes a small blowgun out of his coat.

You eye the blowgun warily. "You're not gonna shoot me with that, are you?"

"Oh, no!" the mafia guy says, "I wouldn't dream of it!"

The car ride goes fairly smoothly for the next ten minutes or so, although you can't help but think that you're going in circles. Finally, you notice a rather cute dog walking along outside. In this moment of weakness, you feel a sharp pain in the back of your neck. You're about to care about it, but before you can, you go under.

You wake up slowly, eventually realizing you're tied to a chair in a fancy office, surrounded by Mafia types. The large chair behind the desk is facing away, towards the large windows that offer a view of the city. The man in the chair speaks.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I'd know that voice anywhere!" you yell, "Ronny Wallbank, only you could be so bold!"

The chair swivels around, confirming your suspicions, "Yes, it is I, Ronny Wallbank! But, do not fear. I don't intend to kill you this time."

"Oh? That's a refreshing change of pace."

"Isn't it though?" Ronny chuckles to himself, then continues, "No, I really don't want to kill you. Instead I want you to summon that annoying twin brother of mine, Johnny Wallbank. I know you're the only person on earth that can get to him."

"You know he lives in England, right?" You ask, "You can just go to see him. I even have his address. He lives in Coventry!"

"NO!" Ronny screams, "I want him HERE! NOW!"

"Whatever." You try to shrug, but your arms are bound too tightly for even that.

"So..." Ronny says, "What do you say?"

Level3 WIP