Ignore the Alien

You turn your back to the alien and once again produce your nail pouch. Sharp points, nickel-plated shanks, wide flat heads, yes sirree these are some high quality fasteners.

"You'll have to excuse my..." Johnny says, but stumbles on finding a word that adequately describes his relationship to you. Eventually he gives up and concludes, "They just encountered an error and are in a bit of a mood today."

"Oh, how unfortunate," the alien coos, "Perhaps this not a good time, then?"

"Is there ever a good time to be abducted by aliens?" asks Johnny, genuinely perplexed.

"Oh, probably," says the Alien wistfully, "Not that we would know." The Alien produces a snub-nosed Dissociator Ray and points it at the two of you. "Normally we give you the option of doing things the easy way or the hard way, but I have a feeling you two are trouble." If you hadn't been so pointedly examining your nails, you may have been able to act in time. Instead, the Alien blasts the two of you.

You watch in silent horror as the small yellow alien leads two people into the depths of the ship and leaves them in an examination chamber. You cry out when the alien strips them of their material goods and straps them both to examination tables, but for some reason they can't seem to hear you.

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